What Hurts More Airsoft or Bb Gun or Paintball

What Hurts More Airsoft or Bb Gun or Paintball

Airsoft vs PaintballMore than 41 million results volition plough up equally soon as you enter the term 'airsoft vs. paintball' on a search engine.

The numbers are shocking but they shouldn't exist too surprising since these are very popular and very similar outdoor activities that choosing betwixt them can be a claiming for many.

Paintball alone has 3.41 million participants in the U.s.a. in 2017 and while airsoft has no corresponding concrete numbers, it'due south estimated that they take millions of players, too. This can explain why the debate between the two is always loud and burning.

Both sides brand compelling reasons why people should adopt ane over the other.

If you're torn between the two, there's an easy technique to make a decision. By finding out how bad does airsoft injure or which of the 2 sports hurts more, you might just exist able to accept a choice right away.

Quick Navigation

  • 1 No Hurting, No Gain: How Much Does Airsoft and Paintball Hurt?
  • 2 Where Hits Injure the Most
    • ii.one Eyes
    • 2.two Fingers
    • 2.iii Cervix
    • 2.4 Groin
    • 2.five Ears
    • two.6 Lips
    • 2.seven Back and elevation of the head
  • three Possibilities of Fatalities
  • four How to Avoid Getting Seriously Hurt and Injured When Playing Airsoft and Paintball
    • 4.1 Wear eye protective gear.
    • 4.ii Wear a full face mask.
    • 4.3 Wear some neck covering.
    • 4.4 Habiliment a helmet or some kind of head cushioning.
    • 4.5 Vesture a long-sleeved shirt and full pants.
    • 4.vi Pad up.
    • iv.7 Wear comfortable and appropriate footwear for the terrain you're playing in.
  • 5 Nerfs: An Alternative Option If You lot Don't Want to Get Seriously Hurt
  • 6 Conclusion

No Pain, No Gain: How Much Does Airsoft and Paintball Hurt?

Portrait of a man with stung wasp in the head puts ice

Bullets injure, that's a given. Bullets tin travel from 1200 mph to 2800 mph and the concentration of this speed and momentum makes it very capable of breaking through the skin, tissues, blood vessels, and vital organs. This too explains how bullets tin be fatal.

Airsoft guns and paintball markers are not engineered to reach the aforementioned speed for their pellets and ammo, however. In fact, they can only reach a fraction of the speed of what nigh firearms can achieve so they can't exist closely compared to bodily firearms. But these do non mean that they won't hurt you if you got hitting.

Airsoft pellets, for one, are limited to have a muzzle velocity that can achieve about 300-590 feet per second. With pellets that counterbalance virtually .20 grams, a shot simply has near 1 joule of energy. These pellets are also only made of plastic and accept depression ballistic performance. Their hits will even so sting and will even hurt more when shot at close range.

What can come as a surprise for many, however, is that paintball can injure more than airsoft. Airsoft may seem like the more serious activity of the two with its realistic looking replica guns and armed forces simulation skirmishes only it can actually exist said that it's less dangerous than paintball.

A quick spider web search about whether airsoft guns can kill volition tell y'all that airsoft can kill under certain circumstances but it's preventable. Paintball markers, on the other hand, based on the numbers, are believed to be capable of killing.

According to calculations, paintballs typically weigh 3 grams and release about 12.5 joules of energy. Their cage velocity is lower compared to airsoft at just 280-300 fps. Well-nigh indoor playing fields accept rubber restrictions that only allow markers with maximum muzzle velocity of 250 fps, however. Despite these facts, the amount of free energy paintballs carry is however way larger than an airsoft pellet so you tin bet that it will hurt more than when you're hit.

To better demonstrate the differences between the pain levels of paintball and airsoft, hither's a quick breakdown of its numbers:

Details Airsoft Pellets Paintball Ammo
Muzzle Velocity 300-590 fps 280-300 fps
Ammo Weight .20 g iii grand
Joules of Energy Expended ane 12.5

While airsoft pellets can travel faster, paintball ammo are larger and heavier. They also tend to release more than energy in the procedure and then they can crusade more pain than the former. Then, to put it simply, paintball will hurt you more than airsoft will.

Where Hits Hurt the Most

At present that we have established that both paintball and airsoft can injure, knowing where the hits volition hurt the nearly is as well essential. Why? Such data will assist you avert being complacent. If you know the spots where you tin can get seriously hurt, you can try to actively protect those areas.

Fifty-fifty if veterans of the sports say that the hits only sting, information technology doesn't mean that you will never get seriously hurt when you get shot. At that place may non be whatsoever close monitoring on the injuries these sports cause, the fact still remains that you can seriously get hurt or injured during the games. So much so that many venues and organizations that host such events require participants to habiliment protective gear.

Learning about where hits hurt the most can also help you strop your skill as a player. If you lot can avoid the spots where intense pain can exist experienced, y'all can deem yourself a more considerate actor.

And so what are the most vulnerable areas when yous play these combat-style games? Hither are the ones to take note of:


It's no surreptitious that the ocular area of our face can be quite delicate. The peel surrounding the eyes are thin and stretched out while the eyeballs are frail and have lots of nerve tissues. As a outcome, it's one of the well-nigh fragile parts of the body. It would too be non too hard for a small-scale pellet traveling at high speed to puncture its surface and injure the said body part.

Center injuries are besides the almost common kinds experienced by those who play with nonpowder firearms. According to a survey, 13,486 children are taken to emergency rooms every year for treatment from injuries acquired by BB guns, airsoft guns, and paintball markers.


Due to the many movable parts and the fact that the peel gets stretched in your fingers and knuckles, getting hit in this area can likewise be quite painful. It likewise doesn't assist that they get easily exposed during paintball and airsoft games. You tin can definitely look a college corporeality of pain if you get shot on your fingers.


Rear view of a man having severe neck painThe neck is also a vulnerable spot during paintball and airsoft games. Getting hit in this surface area can pinch a nerve or ii which can bring incredible amounts of pain. Getting hit in the throat is something you should avoid, also, as it won't just be painful simply it tin also affect your breathing.


As most men would know, there are very many sensory nerve endings in the groin area so receiving a large amount of concentrated momentum in the area volition, without a doubt, seriously injure.


The ears are also quite frail parts of the torso as it's mostly composed of cartilage and has a delicate construction underneath without lots of outer cushioning for it. So if you receive quite a lot of pressure level in the area, it would injure and can fifty-fifty damage the circuitous systems below.


The lips are also very sensitive trunk parts every bit it has lots of nerve endings. Equally a issue, it can also easily experience which can exist a bad thing if you lot get hit by a paintball or airsoft pellet in that area.

Back and top of the head

Blows to the head are non something yous can shrug off considering it tin can atomic number 82 to serious issues. While your skull is pretty thick and solid, it doesn't mean that you won't feel injure if you get shot on your head by a paintball or airsoft pellet.

Possibilities of Fatalities

Since the use of nonpowder guns can cause a pregnant amount of pain, it's not surprising that lots of people also wonder about their number of fatalities. If something tin hurt you, it'south not far-fetched that it tin can also kili. Then to err on the side of caution, it would be all-time to learn most such dangers as well.

For airsoft, it's said that there are no recorded deaths related to the outdoor sport or the nonpowder guns they employ. Unlike BB guns that the CPSC has released an alarm for being capable of killing a person, there are no similar warnings related to the use of airsoft guns. This shouldn't be surprising since BB guns have higher ballistic performance than airsoft guns.

Despite this fact, having an airsoft gun in one's person can still be fatal. There have been several reports of fatal police shootings that are caused by civilians possessing and conveying what look similar guns merely aren't. Some of these became loftier-contour cases like the one that involved the 12-year-quondam Tamir Rice. Airsoft guns, like BB guns and other toy gun replicas can really expect similar real firearms that in high-tension moments, they can be mistaken for real guns.

As for paintball, in that location are a few incidents that lead many to believe that it can exist fatal. While getting shot at by a paintball marker volition not kill you lot on the spot, information technology tin can lead to complications. This is the case for the few fatalities of paintball.

One notable incident is when a paintball histrion died of stroke a few days after playing paintball. It was said that he was shot from the back of his head. He was already experiencing migraines the days leading to the paintball game and so information technology is believed that the shooting may caused the blocked blood vessel in the brain that acquired the player'south death.

Instances of fatal heart attacks were also recorded among players of paintball. Some players had them during the game while others had theirs presently later. The daze that getting striking has led to such unfortunate outcomes.

Aside from these, at that place were as well a few incidents wherein the malfunctioning of certain parts of a paintball marker caused fatalities. In 2004, 2 incidents of accidental detachment of carbon-dioxide-filled cylinders killed ii people on separate occasions.

These fatalities may non e'er be related to the bodily utilise of the nonpowder guns involved in paintball and airsoft but they are all the same worth noting. These incidents note that the mere presence of these implements can pb to fatal casualties, and then they're very of import to know about.

How to Avoid Getting Seriously Hurt and Injured When Playing Airsoft and Paintball

Airsoft and paintball injuries are not uncommon but are highly preventable. How? Here are a few tips:

Article of clothing eye protective gear.

Since the eyes are some of the most exposed and frail areas of the body, it'south important to protect it when playing paintball and airsoft. You should at to the lowest degree wear some eye protective gear like some ski goggles or middle protection glasses to continue the armament from getting into your eyeballs.

Clothing a full face mask.

Wet and murdered in a paintball mask after the gamPaintball face masks are ofttimes considered as essential gear since they can prevent bruising and injuries to the confront. Some might find them too cumbersome just they will certainly come in handy for you if y'all don't want to await banged up afterward the game.

Wear some neck roofing.

To protect your neck and throat, information technology's all-time to wear a neck protector.

Wear a helmet or some kind of caput cushioning.

Yous don't want your caput to take on high amounts of full-bodied force per unit area. It'south unsafe and it will hurt yous seriously. To avert this, wear a helmet or some other kind of head protection to keep those pellets bouncing off your head instead.

Article of clothing a long-sleeved shirt and full pants.

While airsoft and paintball ammo don't always break skin, they can notwithstanding cause welts and bruises. To absorber their blow, cover up your skin nicely. The material volition provide extra cushioning confronting the pellets that will hit yous.

Pad upward.

Knee, elbow, and chest pads will save you from a lot of pain, especially if you're playing close-contact variants of paintball and airsoft.

Wear comfortable and advisable footwear for the terrain y'all're playing in.

Airsoft and paintball are very agile outdoor sports so it'southward crucial that you wear the right pair of shoes when yous play. Wear something that will give you lot enough traction so you'll have aplenty control of your footwork despite the tricky terrain. Brand sure that they're comfortable as well.

Nerfs: An Alternative Option If You Don't Want to Get Seriously Hurt

Pile of foam bullet for gun toyAside from airsoft and paintball, Nerf wars are as well exciting combat-style outdoor activities that you lot can endeavour. Equally the proper name suggests, these events utilise Nerf blasters instead of specialized, loftier-power replica guns.

Since these are toy guns, they are not as powerful as the nonpowder guns used in airsoft and paintball. They don't injure every bit much and are besides designed to look like toys and so they won't be mistaken for existent firearms.

Nerf wars can guarantee the same corporeality of enjoyment since they also use gamestyles similar to airsoft and paintball. The only difference is that the weapons they utilise are safer and friendlier for kids.

If you lot're not besides fond of their 70 mph dart speed, y'all can also add together some muscle to your blaster. These blasters are possible to modify fifty-fifty though the manufacturers propose against doing and so. Fans love it because it allows them to express their creativity and hone their electric wiring skills.


With all of the points discussed to a higher place, we promise that nosotros were able to pigment a clear picture of how bad does airsoft hurt and the dangers that come with playing paintball. Equally you can also see, the risks that come with these sports are manageable. Then despite the numbers and possibilities, you tin can still safely enjoy the outdoor activity as long as y'all discover ample caution.

What Hurts More Airsoft or Bb Gun or Paintball

Posted by: arnettsued1953.blogspot.com

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